
Showing posts from May, 2021

Calligram Broken but Strong

  This project was easily my favorite. I did not do the best job with distorting the image, but writing a letter in this format was something I had never even thought of.  I chose to write a letter to myself about being strong for my family, myself, and family of my own one day. The meaning behind this is being broken but strong. By facing challenges that seem impossible to overcome and dealing with all kinds of pain, there is always a way to grow from these things. In my past I dealt with serious depression, but overcame my mental battles and learned to suppress these negative feelings. Even with everything that still comes and this semester being one of the hardest years of my life, I continued to remain positive. This project is one of the most personal things I have ever done in a class and for that reason, I will never forget this assignment. This project took me roughly three hours to complete due to watching tutorials and  thinking about how I wanted to go about wh...

Logos (Black and White/Three Color versions)

For this project, I made five different logos of things that were significant to me. The first logo resembled my connection to basketball being on the club basketball team. The second logo was the logo that I was told to go with by most of the class, but I did not really want to pursue this logo. The third logo that I was considering out of the five designs was the logo I went with in the end. This logo was meant to be a simple but sleek design. My family has always had a connection to mountains. We meet every winter in Colorado to celebrate Christmas together as a family. I also grew up on Signal Mountain which gave me the inspiration to go with this final design. I struggled a little bit while learning the software, but in the end I am pleased with how my logos turned out. This project took me roughly 3 to 4 hours of watching tutorials on the FMX website and work on the website.  

Selfie Portrait and Propaganda Poster

      Social Movement: Environmental Awareness Poster      For this project, I decided to opt for a topic that focused on our environment. I searched through my camera roll to find a picture of me enjoying being outdoors. The environment plays a massive part in my life and everyone around us, yet we do not take the right steps to keep our planet healthy. Coming from Tennessee in the mountains, and then moving to Oregon this past summer, I have a massive appreciation for the world around me. I am especially fortunate to be in Florida, which is where this picture was taken (the basketball courts on campus). This project took me about 3 hours of work and research to get the end result.