Calligram Broken but Strong


This project was easily my favorite. I did not do the best job with distorting the image, but writing a letter in this format was something I had never even thought of.  I chose to write a letter to myself about being strong for my family, myself, and family of my own one day. The meaning behind this is being broken but strong. By facing challenges that seem impossible to overcome and dealing with all kinds of pain, there is always a way to grow from these things. In my past I dealt with serious depression, but overcame my mental battles and learned to suppress these negative feelings. Even with everything that still comes and this semester being one of the hardest years of my life, I continued to remain positive. This project is one of the most personal things I have ever done in a class and for that reason, I will never forget this assignment. This project took me roughly three hours to complete due to watching tutorials and  thinking about how I wanted to go about what I wanted to write and what it should form.


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